Regardless of your goals, take control of your money today and make it work for you now, and in the future.
Most of us have long-term goals and aspirations such as buying a home or retiring when we want, but often they require a financial strategy to be put in place. So, what’s the best strategy for your unique circumstances?​
We can show you areas of opportunity and help you build that strategy based on your goals and addressing your concerns. To help determine what you may want to focus on, consider some of these challenges most of us face:
Cost of Living: Often people fail to consider the rising cost of living when creating their financial strategy, but it can have a big impact.
Unexpected Loss: If you should die unexpectedly, without proper planning that includes life insurance and/or emergency savings, your family could face serious financial issues.
Retirement Confidence: While confidence of having enough money to live comfortably in retirement has risen slightly, only two out of 10 workers are very confident this will be the case.
College Costs: Even if a student can obtain grants, scholarships or other type of aid, without proper planning the cost of college can put a strain on savings.
Social Security: It may not be a reliable source of income in the future and some economists believe it will become depleted in 2033.
Procrastinar es uno de los enemigos de todos los objetivos, pero puede superarse fácilmente. Si empiezas ahora tu estrategia financiera, el tiempo estará de tu parte. Para empezar hoy mismo:
1. Comparte información conmigo o con un agente de WFGIA para obtener un FNA.
2. Concretemos una cita de seguimiento para obtener los resultados del análisis de la información.
3. Pongamos en práctica la estrategia recomendada en función de los resultados de su FNA.
4. Una vez satisfecho con los resultados, comparte mi nombre con tu grupo de referidos.